速報APP / 生產應用 / Glass House Dance

Glass House Dance





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




Glass House Dance(圖1)-速報App

Glass House Dance is dance training reimagined! We are committed to developing new and innovative approaches in teaching pedagogy that will instill students with a respect, love and passion for dance! While Glass House is devoted to developing world-class dancers with a strong technical foundation, we recognize that our responsibility is something much greater. We are committed to providing an establishment with a positive culture and a deep sense of community. We are dedicated to offering dance instruction in a positive and safe learning environment, that promotes artistic growth, self-confidence and self-expression. Our loyalty lies not only with aiding students in developing their craft but also with guiding their character development into becoming successful and responsible adults.

Glass House Dance(圖2)-速報App

Manage your entire dance studio experience with the all new Glass House Dance app. Enjoy mobile check-in and on the go tuition payments. Stay up to date with all the latest information from the studio. Never miss a beat.

Glass House Dance(圖3)-速報App